My week

I’m trying to do the calculations of where we are in Lockdown, it started on March 23rd and as I write this on April 18th, that’s 26 days of lockdown completed. I find that for my wellbeing, I need routine and structure to my day and we have been doing things to keep us busy at home.


I love the time to be able to lose myself in a good book and lockdown has been the perfect opportunity to indulge in reading. I’m lucky that I have a Kindle Paperwhite so am able to download the books I want to read digitally, as at present as all orders are taking some time to be delivered and libraries are closed.

This week I read Mixtape by Jane Sanderson. I chose the book simply on its title, I was a big fan of mixtapes as a teenager and it reminded me of a wonderful friend who used to make me such tapes. The tracks featured in this book were pure class. There were parts I really liked, the mix tape and exchange of music and the back stories of the characters, the bit I couldn’t be convinced of was the ‘magic’ relationship and how the main characters left their partners and families for each other. I never saw the passion in their early life, when the relationship was short but intense.

I have also finished One of Us is Lying by Karen McManus. Its a Young Adult book which my daughter and I have been reading together. The plot is one student dies in a detention by sipping water from a contaminated glass but which of the other people in the room is the murderer? It was a great read and I couldn’t predict the ending.


Following the hot cross buns on Friday, I also made a Simnel Cake for Easter from Nigella Lawson’s book, Feast. This is one of the best cakes we (it was Little Miss and I) have made, it was amazing, a perfect mix of dried fruits and spice and the marzipan middle. The decoration was fiddly but well worth the effort. Unlike hot cross buns for which I’ll be back to our local baker next year, I think this cake needs to be made every year, it is a fantastic recipe.

There is a lot of time at home during lockdown and I’ve been trying to do some creative tasks during the day. Little Man and I have made some really simple stop animation videos with his Lego figures, for which he has provided the words. He did make me laugh with his enthusiastic commentary. We have also made a family newspaper which we have sent in the post to surprise the grandparents. The children got to write (well Little Man dictated his articles) about some of their favourite things they have been doing in Lockdown and I added the photos. It was surprisingly sweet and I think we might try to do this again.


When I was little we always had a new outfit for Easter. As Easter coincides with my Father in Law’s birthday and therefore a family celebration, I try to keep this tradition up for the children. However due to Lockdown we weren’t able to go shopping for their clothes this year. I had been a bit organised earlier in the spring and had bought this skirt for my Easter outfit. I wore the skirt on Easter Sunday as I wanted to make an effort and feel a little more sparkly.


I thought I would have watched more television during lockdown but I haven’t. There’s not a huge choice of original drama and I have never been the type of person who can sit down for hours and watch tv. I’m much more a reader or I listen to music or podcasts. I’ve always been like this and I’m not sure why I thought lockdown would change my character!

Last Saturday evening, we watched Yesterday, it was a nice film with great music but it was not quite in the class of Bohemiman Rhapsody or Rocketman.

I also watched Quiz, which I loved about Major Ingram and an alleged plot to cheat Who Wants to be a Millionaire? It was fascinating on so many levels, the workings of ITV, the quiz underground community and did leave you to wonder if he was innocent? It was a great mini series and Michael Sheen as Chris Tarrant was perfect casting.

Easter Sunday #lockdown

Easter 2020 is one which will always be remembered, our Easter in lockdown. It was a celebration which needed to be adapted to the new rules and as I write this on Easter Sunday evening I am feeling thankful and blessed that we were able to have a special day. I am relieved that I am an organised person, so the treats for Easter were all bought well in advance of social distancing and lockdown.

If this weekend were to have a theme it would be ‘nurture’ , this was not by design but happy accident. This weekend we’ve spent time in the garden, Mr S and Little Miss have been busy with our vegetable patch and getting the garden as ready as possible for the spring. We’ve walked together everyday and just taken in the beauty of where we live, walks through fields and along the beach (all v close to our home, we’ve not used cars) I’ve baked and cooked in the kitchen, creating nourishing meals and Easter treats. All simple things that bring us all together.

My highlight today was the Easter egg hunt, planned for this afternoon after our lunchtime Easter roast dinner. I always include a few craft activities and after finding the chocolate, all four of us were sat on the grass in the sun, talking, making models and having egg and spoon races. We FaceTimed my parents and chatted happily, there was a real sense of togetherness. It was so simple but perfect. After we came in for tea and Nigella’s Simnel cake recipe was superb, the best way to end our Easter Day.

I’m sure next year we’ll all be encouraged to celebrate big for Easter. However I don’t feel I’ve missed out this year, it was simple but I was with my family who are all healthy and safe and that is all that matters.

My week

Whilst I am still continuing ‘My Week’ I am also am writing a Coronavirus post everyday. This post is for the little sparkles, the serious stuff is on the other post.

This week has been week 3 of lockdown and I’ve also been on Easter holidays. I’ve not done much school work with the children, just finishing off some maths and a few bits and bobs. I can amuse us all without the pressure of set tasks.

I’ve read …

In Five years by Rebecca Serle. This plot was similar to something else I’ve read recently ( but I cannot find the title which is really bugging me and it’s not on my Good Reads list either!) The main character has a premonition of a new man in her life despite being engaged and happy. The story explores her life and the truth of the premonition is revealed. It was fine as a book to read in lockdown when you have the time but for me it was only 3 stars ⭐️

I’ve made …

The kitchen is my favourite place and the lockdown has seen me happily trying new recipes, baking with the children and finally having the time to make hot cross buns, which have been on my to bake list forever! I love the time and effort we are making with food, it’s my interest and a real treat. This week I made a full Chinese meal, complete with egg fried rice, mushroom rice etc.. It was all so remarkably easy that I did wonderful why we hadn’t done it before. Homemade Chinese is now being adding to our Saturday night around the world menus. In preparation for Easter I’ve been following the domestic goddess Nigella’s recipes for hot cross buns and Simnel cake. This item of special bakes on special occasions on my 20for2020 is progressing well.

I’ve listened…

It’s quite hard to find time to be alone at home. My normal podcast listening time whilst I run is no longer available as my daily exercise is now going out with the children for a walk. I’ve listened to some of my favourite pods in bed and it’s a different alternative to reading. I do need to be careful as I was laughing so much to With Me Now, I woke up Mr S!

As I said last week I’m finding the radio to be a great comfort at present. I’m more likely to listen to the radio than watch television.

I’ve decorated …

Easter has always been a special time and I love to decorate the house. I’ve made a special effort with the front window to make anyone smile as they pass it. We live at the bottom of a footpath so we have people walk past regularly. Sadly I am missing my fresh daffodils and tulips among my decorations, as they’re not considered an essential in our small supermarket.

Little Miss has been busy painting rainbows for our neighbours and it is lovely to see her work in all the neighbouring houses. One of the best things to come from this tragic situation is the sense of community. I feel so lucky to have such great neighbours.

I’ve walked …

Everyday we have had our permitted walk in the local countryside. We live minutes from big fields and to see the children running around and to feel the sun on our faces is a blessing. Even in these tough times we need to recognise and celebrate the nice times in our lockdown lives.


This monthly post is a preview of the month, full of plans and hopes for the coming weeks.  My diary for April 2020 was looking great.  For me April is the month where life starts to bloom after a winter’s hibernation. Our seaside town starts to fill with visitors and there is a lightness and happiness in the air.  April brings the Easter holidays and we normally go and have a break at my parents and then celebrate my Father in Law’s birthday with the wider family too.  On our family calendar we had dates for sports, the school Easter bonnet parade and the simple things like hair and nail appointments.  Then there were the plans yet to be finalised, days out at local attractions, play dates, a trip to the cinema etc..  April was going to be a lovely month. 

And now to the reality, everything is cancelled, we are in lockdown. Of all the things planned it is my Father in Law’s birthday which will be hardest.  He will be 88 this month and last year we had such an amazing day in Lyme Regis, in the Easter heatwave, with all the family.  It was one of those really special days, amazing weather, a delicious lunch, everybody on sparkling form, these memories do help.  My father in law lives alone and is self isolating and it just feels so sad and lonely.  He bought himself an iPad at the start of this crisis and with my brother in law’s virtual help, he has set it up so we can Face Time him every day. I’m trying to think of something special we can do for him so we’re still celebrating together (virtually)

I recognise how lucky we are that the coronavirus is simply an inconvenience at present and that none of friends and family have been infected.  There is no FOMO this month, we’re all in this together and this month is to be one of simple pleasures, walks in the countryside (5 mins walk from our front door) baking hot cross buns or playing games.  

My week

This week we are are still in lockdown but we are doing things to try and enliven the experience. Here are some of the things we’ve done this week.

I’ve read

I tried to read a magazine this week, I just needed something light. However the articles just didn’t sit right in the current situation, travel, days out, clothes shopping, all things we can’t do at present. Unless it’s a specialist magazine, I don’t think I’ll be buying one for a while.

The book I read, ‘Love, Loss and what I wore’ was recommended by Gretchen Rubin’s podcast as it’s this month’s book club choice. I loved the book, an unusual concept, an autobiography through outfits. It was surprising how much of the author’s life came through some simple descriptions. It’s inspired me to write about some of the memories I have of favourite outfits.

We made …

Little Miss took an idea we had together and made a blue ombré nhs display for her bedroom window. I think it looks great under her rainbow hearts and shows our support for our amazing nhs.

We cooked …

Meals have become a highlight of our days and the children are taking it in turns to help me make our main meal. They have helped to make a shepherds pie, rice pudding, curry etc.. all from scratch to show them how we use fresh ingredients and herbs and spices to make a proper meal.

I listened …

The radio is an important resource in these times. It does bring people together and I’ve really appreciated it in these past few weeks. I listen to all types of radio stations, local, national, music and spoken word. It’s helped balance what is happening in the world and stops a preoccupation with scrolling through social media. Radio whether national or local is a community hub and as much as I like podcasts, live radio is a comfort and necessity.